
| Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
探索砂拉越潜水的奥妙 如果你想要探索赞叹人心的珊瑚礁或第二次世界大战沉船,砂拉越迷人的海底世界必定让你大开眼界。 古晋和美里拥有适合所有级别潜水员的卓越潜水地点。无论你是否潜水新手、需要训练潜水技能的人士,或是寻找安全的本地潜水地点的经验丰富潜水员,这里都有商家提供潜水课程或指导服务,以...


A Sarawak Kind of Christmas

| Estimated reading time: 10 minutes
Remember the final scene from the old-time favourite 1990 movie, Home Alone, when Kevin rushes downstairs on Christmas morning only to find his family was gone? Fast forward to the end of the movie and after all the adventures, the heartfelt moment when his mother returned home and hugged him before being reconciled with the rest of his family.   Home with the family. Isn’t that what Christmas is all about? Like all festive seasons, Christmas ...



| Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
古晋自行车游客指南  | 预计阅读时间:11分钟 美丽的犀鸟之乡可让人拥有许多独特体验,但很少人会想到或知道有关骑自行车的探险之旅,穿越壮观的文化遗产、纯朴的乡村、茂密的丛林、浩瀚的河流,以及常年被云雾包裹的山脉。你不仅能亲眼目睹砂拉越独特的野生动物、天然景色和各种独特文化,还可沿途体验各种美...


Kuching Old Bazaar

| Estimated reading time: < 1 minute
大家好,我们需要您的故事。 古晋老巴刹是砂拉越最早的街区之一,在过去200年来见证了时代的变迁。我们正在搜集和撰写古晋老巴刹的故事——关于本区的传统习俗、家族与事业、美食、生活方式、节日庆典等,以留住老巴刹珍贵的非物质文化遗产,并将之转化为未来老巴刹的活力。 受古...


Unique Themed Cafés in Sarawak

| Estimated reading time: 12 minutes
It’s Friday night and you have just arrived home after a long day at work. You’re thinking of grabbing coffee and a quick bite, but that’s when you notice the piles of dirty laundry in the corner of your room! Don’t let that spoil your Friday night because in Sarawak, you can go somewhere for a nice cup of coffee, perhaps with cake or a croissant, while getting your laundry done…how is this possible? By going to a laundromat themed café you can m...



| Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
生活像天气,密布的乌云过后总有晴空万里!生活也像一碗叻沙,酸甜苦辣溶于其中,各种滋味, 品后才知分晓。 美味的砂拉越叻沙味香料足的叻沙,以鲜美异常的滋味,直击人们味蕾。其多以鲜虾为汤底,搭配鸡蛋与鸡丝等食材炮制。更会增添各色香料, 以达增香提鲜的效果。 不妨了解下叻沙的各种香...
